Those of us with busy lives often have a tendency to go-go-go, and with that tendency, we rarely take the time to stop and refuel as often as we should.

Ladies and Gents, take the go-go-go mentality, add a 12-23 year old student- athlete’s school schedule to the mix, and you’re likely to see a student who is often running on fumes.

All too often athletic trainers will encounter an athlete mid-practice that feels faint, weak, dizzy, or passes out. When we ask, “What did you eat today?” most the time the response is little to no food.

The excuse most of them give is along the lines of ‘I was too busy to eat’ or ‘I just I didn’t have time’. The fact of the matter is: How can anyone expect to get through a fitness plan, practice, or activity with nothing in your stomach?

For our bodies to function, we have to provide it with food to be turned into energy. Energy cannot be produced on its own: we are not plants, thus we can’t make our own food.  A diet that is properly made up of healthy amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fats will give your body what it needs to function.

Physically active people should be eating at least three meals a day. Usually, this is enough to meet our energy needs prior to activity, however for those that have a high metabolism and burn energy fast, six small meals with healthy snack breaks should do the trick.

Running on fumes should always be avoided, especially when someone has a demanding schedule. You might be amazed at what your body can do if your input matches your output. Any questions you or your young athlete may have can be directed to their athletic trainer or doctor.

Visit one of our clinics in Petoskey, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Indian River and Harbor Springs to discuss your concerns and goals. We offer free consultations  to help answer your questions about how our Physical Therapists can help you.