Does Running Cause Osteoarthritis?

This question has been asked over and over again with mixed reviews. It is an argument that is hotly debated among runners and non-runners alike. Short answer? Running does not cause arthritis, running ‘poorly’ leads to faulty posture and increased mechanical stress and yes, these can contribute to excessive wear and tear on your joints. It takes a lot of repetition to create a pattern but once these patterns are developed they are difficult to remedy without some guidance and practice.

Running is a very repetitive action, about 2,000 steps per mile, and this requires good form from the first step to the last step in order to minimize risk. It is often thought that running is an easy and cheap form of exercise, especially for the beginner. It is. Just about anyone can purchase a pair of running shoes and hit the street. To optimize training capacity though, one should provide the body with at least the most basic foundation. This comes in the form of strength training. There are endless ways to promote this from local classes, gym memberships, personal training, home program, and coaching to name a few.

Building a strong physical base with full body strength training will carry your weary legs for many more miles. Cross training is deemed valuable because it balances the stress on more areas, allowing for some tissues to recover especially the high demands that running puts on the feet, knees and hips. Spending a little time to strengthen your core, hips, calves and glutes will set the body up for a more positive experience minimizing injury. Whether you are beginning a new sport or are taking your training to the next level, it is wise to set yourself up for success with cross training to prepare for a running season that puts you at your personal best!

For a deeper investigation to this issue, check out this article…